is a new way of seeing

Nicole Lee Consulting helps C-suite leaders hone their skills so they can lead their teams into meaningful change.


Connect with a passionate expert in all things DEI to help you make dynamic changes in your workspaces and beyond.

You will be able to positively improve your strategies, critical thinking skills, managerial skills, and more. These elements will tie into cultivating an inclusive and equitable organization.

You’ll be able to:

• Gain a renewed leadership mindset

• Acquire crisis management tactics for DEI effectiveness

• Learn to motivate and nurture team progress


We have personalized advice to fit your unique needs, whether you’re a company, organization, nonprofit, school, or other forms of business. We are here to give you the practical tools you need to do the “work” yourself.

Modernize your cultural awareness and understand implicit bias as you develop your inclusive leadership skills. It’s time to grow.

You’ll learn more about:

• How to create inclusive spaces in a human-centered way

• Build and integrate DEI in your policies and procedures

• Enhance your teams’ cultural competence to create inclusive climates

Coaching & Consulting

You can’t have one without the other. Nicole gives you tools to interrupt normalized injustice within your organization. Through workshops and equity frameworks, you’ll begin to cultivate change through action.

Ready to grow your impact?
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